Sunday, May 27, 2012

Color Me Rad - Hartford Style

What a day I had yesterday! I ran my third 5k, in a race called Color Me Rad. It's a race they set up in lots of cities all around the country. In each city they choose a local charity to raise money for. In Hartford, it was for the Greater Hartford YMCA. But that's not the fun part...

Everyone dresses in white, and at 5 stations along the course, they have volunteers throw colored corn starch at the runners, so when you're done, you look like a giant tye-died person. They give everyone a packet of color at the start to throw around too.

So, here's what I looked like at the start of the race

There were multiple "waves" of start times, and this is what the start looked like from the registration line.

This is what I looked like when I was done.

It was tons of fun. I have no idea what my race time was, but I ran for the first time without music. It was so much fun to see all of the other runners. There had to be at least 10,000 people. It was a wild day.

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