Saturday, November 19, 2016

2016 Denyse Schmidt Studio Sale

Denyse Schmidt's Studio sale was last weekend, and I was actually able to make it there!  I have wanted to go for years, and it did not disappoint.

It was set up beautifully, and of course, I pretty much wanted to buy everything.  The President of my MQG had helped to set up for the sale and told us about all of the amazing things she helped pull together.

There were some original quilts for sale, patterns, books, and of course, fabric.  The displays were simple, but so appealing, like these bundles set up in a vintage suitcase.

Presentation was lovely!

This is a wider shot of what the tables of fabric looked like.  Everything was tied with little bits of ribbon or strips of fabric. There were all of her different lines, some odd end of bolts and even solids you can see behind the suitcase.

I wanted to take home everything!
I got one bundle, I am super into lime and navy these days, of course my perennial favorite orange, and yes, that is almost a full bolt of slate grey.  It was 12 yards for something like $35.  I was NOT about to leave that behind.

My treasures

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