Monday, September 21, 2015

EZ Quilting Tool Mini Quilt Challenge & Kate Spain Canyon Fabric

This is my entry for our the Southern CT Modern Quilt Guild's EZ Quilting Kate Spain mini-quilt Challenge.  We were each allowed to choose a tool when Michele Muska came to do the trunk show at our meeting this spring.

My chosen tool
I chose the mini Fat Cat.  Then we got samples of Kate Spain's new fabric line with Moda "Canyon" to use to make a 16" square mini quilt.  So.Much.Fun.  The quilts will be hung somewhere at Quilt Market (the Simplicity Creative Group's booth?), so if you go to market and can take a picture I would be THRILLED.

Mini Fat Cat Tool Kate Spain Challenge

I am wildly embarrassed to say that this is the first quilt I've ever made that I put a written label on.  I feel quilt shame.  Michelle Muska told our quilt guild about the importance of labels and how meaningful they are.

I realized after I handed my quilt in that I didn't put a name on it.  It's actually called Musical Chairs.  The two floating fat cats are supposed to look like they are going into the open background color spots.  It made sense when I drew it on paper, but I'm not sure how well it translated in my actual design.

Back of my Mini Quilt Challenge
My guild's president snapped this pic of Kate Spain herself at a LQS shop hop stop when she saw all of the challenge quilts made with her newest line...I think she looks pretty excited, don't you?

Photo credit M. Lieberson

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Saddle Pad for my CHSA finalist and Show Jumper (Suitability #7158)

My daughter's been riding horses a full four years now.  She's been showing in rated shows for three.  At the end of last year, she fell during a show as she was trying to move up to her first jumping class.  It was a rough few months as her confidence was shaken.

This spring she was still not confident enough to show in a jumping class.  Funny thing is, she jumps during every lesson she has.  She's good at it.  But she was afraid to do it in a show after her fall.  After some encouragement from the older girls at her barn, she showed in a jumping class this April.  Every time she did it, she was super nervous, but she dug deep, faced her fears, and continued to show in what's called Short Stirrup (cantering over cross-rails on a course) all spring and summer.  She racked up enough points to qualify for the finals, which happened this weekend.  She took 6th place out of the 12 riders.

I learn so much from her.  I couldn't be more proud of how she handled herself this year.  She matured so much.  She got to be a much stronger rider.  She is proud of herself, and I know this season taught her so many good things, that she'll take with her into the rest of her life.

6th place in Short Stirrup Hunter, CHSA Finals 2015

She got this great horse fabric, Wild Horses, by Exclusively Quilters at our local quilt shop's annual clearance this winter.  She's been begging me to make her a new saddle pad for her ever since.  After her performance this weekend, how could I not???

I've made this pattern once before, it's by Suitability #7158.  The hardest part was finding a good binding to use for the edges.  They take a lot of wear and washing.

Cover of Suitability #7158
Here's her finished saddle pad.  It's regular quilter's cotton, so it won't last more than one season with the abuse it'll take.  But it makes my daughter feel special to have something made just for her.  It's super easy to put together, with basic diamond quilting and normal cotton batting in between.  I found a 1 1/2" woven black binding on Etsy.  It looks great, but isn't super strong and it actually wore out on the first one before the fabric did.

Saddle Pad made with Wild Horses by Exclusively Quilters
The back I used because it's called Horse Blanket (seriously, what ELSE would I use?) and the colors looked great with the front to me.

Back made with Horse Blanket by Joel Dewberry
If you've ever made one of these, I'd love to hear about it, and I'd love to know where you got your binding.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

My First COVER and Some Summer Catch Up

The lazy days of summer. They are wonderful aren’t they? It’s light out earlier in the morning AND later in the evening, and still, I realize things are getting scratched off my to-do list more slowly.

I’ve had some pretty exciting things happen though, during July and August. I’ve plastered them all over Instagram, but I decided it was important to memorialize them here.

My first published quilt pattern was published in the British magazine Quilt Now, in it’s June 2015 issue, number 12. The quilt is an oversized version of a single block. I absolutely love the look of bold, large scale designs like this. It’s made with Petal & Plume fabrics, by designer Bari J. of Art Gallery Fabrics. I also made a matching pillow, and called the two projects a “nap set”.

The editor Katy Jones had told me which issue the projects would be in, but it was a complete surprise to find them on the cover of the issue! I was scrolling through Facebook, and there they were…

That's my quilt, ON THE COVER

I didn’t find a copy of the magazine until around July 1st here in the US. It was a wonderful, fun day for me. 

As if that wasn’t enough, Michele Muska invited my quilt guild (Southern CT MQG) to come to the Simplicity creative offices in NYC in early August. I took a day off from work and spent a gorgeous sunny Wenesday travelling to the city to meet 6 of my fellow guild members for the day.

Me, Michelle our hostess, and my guild members

Michele took us around the office, and introduced us to lots of the people who work in the pattern making part of the business. It was so much fun to hear about what each person did, how the process worked, and get to see garments actually being made up.

Then we met with some of the folks from other areas of the business to talk social media, sewing tools, and the future of quilting. It was fantastic.

Michele lives in CT and had done a wonderful trunk show for our guild in March with the quilts from her book Quilting the New Classics. The quilts were just amazing in person and it was a treat to see them all at once. The book is beautiful, and full of color and inspiration.

Michelle's Wonderful Book, hyperlink above

August and September will be filled with making t-shirt quilts for customers, a Kate Spain/Simplicity mini-tool challenge, and my swap gift for my partner at Glamp Stitch-a-lot. I’d better get back to work!

Monday, June 1, 2015

City Weekend Square Dance - Waiting for Cora

This is my very favorite reason to sew.  Two of my very dear friends are welcoming their first grandchild in the next few weeks, and I couldn't wait to make the baby a quilt.  

I used Oliver & S City Weekend.  It was a fat quarter bundle that I got a few years ago at QuiltMarket and have been hoarding away for just such a special occasion.

My husband doesn't like the quilts hung up on our fence, but I love it.  It's just the right height for baby size quilts.

Front view

Blue for the sky, yellow for the sun, green for the grass.

Big striped backing

Adorable birds from Hideaway by Lauren + Jessi Jung

I have to say I am one of those who loves hand binding.  It's very relaxing but it also builds up the excitement, as you know you're getting closer and closer to another finish.

Blue Kaffe Fasset Aboriginal Dot for the binding

Here are some of the other Square Dance versions that I've done.  I have two others that I never took pictures of before I gifted them away.

Sock Monkeys

Seven Seas Organic

Forest Friends in Flannel

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Aviatrix Medallion - Border #5

Making this quilt feels a bit like giving birth.  I've been at it about 7 months now.  Each border takes more out of me than the last.  Over the last three weeks, I finally finished up Border #5.  There was lots of cursing, and a fair amount of heavy sighing...I even thought "what if I just end it here, no one even needs to know there's another border".  

But just like having a baby...there is no off ramp.  You have to tough it out until the end.  The good thing is, you know it will be worth it.

There are two sets of 20 blocks, one with white centers...

and one with colored centers.

Amazingly enough, when I got the squares sewn together, they were actually the same length and width as the quilt, which qualifies as a small miracle.  No creative stretching or trimming necessary.

Every time my daughter sees me working on this she asks the same thing..."who's that quilt for???".  And I give her the same answer every time, "It's for me. When I was your age in the 80's we had rainbows on everything, and these colors make me really happy."

One more border to go.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Custom Tote Bag - Pattern Adapted from "Easy to Make Totes with Zippers"

My cousin asked me to make her a bag last year.  Yes, last year.  I knew exactly the pattern I'd use, she got the fabric right away, and here it is April and I've just finished it.

She needed a tote bag for work, that would carry "a lot of stuff".  She showed me the bag she was using and I knew I could give her a huge improvement.

She chose black fabric with a wavy grey pattern.  Good choice for work, should wear well and not show too much dirt.

Custom Tote Bag for my Cousin

 I had made a similar bag from this book once before.  It's a fantastic book, Easy to Make Totes with Zippers by Cindy Taylor Oates, from 2003 I think.  The directions are clear and just detailed enough with drawings for anything that's hard to describe.  I'm 99% sure I got the book on Ebay super cheap.

Pattern Book for Totes with Zippers
 The pattern I adapted was the one on the lower right, that shows multi-colored stripes and webbing straps.  Yikes.  So I took the final measurements I needed and just made a single piece and quilted it in diamonds.  And I made her 2" wide straps so that they wouldn't dig into her shoulder.

The striped one at the bottom is the pattern I used.

My favorite part of this pattern is the recessed zipper.  It's actually really easy to put in if you measure everything carefully.  When you put the placket onto the bag, there's about 10 layers to sew through, so I did break a few needles, and had to turn the wheel by hand, but that's a common occurrence with me and making bags...either I'm too rough, or the machine is too cranky...or both.

This is the recessed zipper
I'm so happy with the result and my cousin will most definitely be more comfortable (and chic!) carrying her work in this.

Finished Bag with Extra Long & Wide Handles

Monday, February 16, 2015

Green Living Market Bag - Octopus, Seahorses and Anchors on a Freezing Day in February

I've been working on this queen size quilt for six weeks now.  Since the first of the year.  And I love it, and it's been great, but I can't share it.  BOOO!  So I was itching today for a quick win.  Something that I knew I could finish today and would love.  I went back to my very favorite pattern...The Green Living Market Bag by Bari J

This is my 10th one.  When I say I love this pattern, I'm not kidding.  I've made most of them as gifts.  This one is for a dear friend of mine who saw the fabric on Instagram when I bought it.  It's Tula Pink's Salt Water line.

Makes me think of carrying beach toys and flip flops!

I managed to get the seahorses to line up on the top cuff.  This is one of the benefits of having made so many!


I am also much better at getting the folded up corners on the bottom to be neat and lined up perfectly with the sides.  This is a super sturdy bag that is perfect for groceries or goodies from the farmer's market.

Folded up corners for the bottom
So Kari, here are a few ideas of things you might be able to carry in your new bag...stuffed animals and American Girl dolls.  Both of which I know you have at your house.

Do you have a favorite pattern that you've made over and over again?  What is it?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

More Economy Blocks - I heart scraps

As I try to fill up the last minutes before the Super Bowl starts, it occurred to me that I had more Economy Blocks to share.  I think I have around 20 in total.  Lots of them include some of my favorite tiny Heather Ross scraps, like the horses and tack from her West Hill line in the first one.  I tried stripes, trying to see what it would look like...maybe a bit too busy for me?

Heather Ross West Hill horses

This van and the pink on the outside are both Heather Ross too...from the tiniest bits I had saved.

I think these people are running for the ice cream truck.  I definitely like the look of the solids along with a print...three prints might be too much.

A beautiful mermaid...this one was an attempt to see about not "exactly" solids, just fabrics that had lots of solid space or a tonal pattern.

As you can see, I was all over the place, trying different combinations to see what I liked best.

What does the fox say?
A bicycle that my fussy cutting"off" on.  But I was not about to throw it out.

I will admit, I do like how scrappy they look altogether.  I'm still wondering if a whole quilt would just be too much.

Do you like the solids?  Stripes?  Or all of the craziness of 3 patterns?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Drunkard's Path - my newest obsession - thanks to SCTMQG

I've been wanting to go a Modern Quilt Guild meeting for what feels like forever.  There are two chapters that are each about an hour away from me.  Last weekend, FINALLY, I had the time on a Saturday when the SCTMQG (Southern CT Modern Quilt Guild) were holding their monthly meeting.  

I met a great group of ladies (all ladies, does your MQG have men?) and already have the February meeting time blocked off on my calendar.  I'm really looking forward to some of the programming that's scheduled for this year, but more importantly the motivation to stretch out and try new this month's challenge...the Drunkard's Path.

I was so excited at the meeting that I forgot to trace the templates they had.  So I found one and tried to make my own thin plastic template.  This was my first try at ANY curved piecing.

Lizzy House Castle Peeps - wonky style
You can see that my square parts are too narrow and my circle parts are different sizes.  It's a miracle I passed kindergarten, because clearly I can't trace worth a damn, and my trimming is WAY off.  Still, I loved how fun it was.

Someone at the meeting had copies of the paper that had come with their template, so I went right online and bought a set from Baycreek Quilting Products (  They arrived in exactly a week, they are nice and thick and as you can see, the proportions are right.  

Hard Plastic Templates from Baycreek Quilting - LOVE

Once I had the templates I dove right into my second attempt, with some precious Cotton + Steel fat quarters that I bought for something just so special.  TAAADAAA!

Cotton + Steel - using 5" templates - VOILA!
I'm not sure if it was the sturdiness of the templates, that I had some practice with the first set, or what else, but as you can see, this block turned out MUCH better.  And much more precisely lined up.

Heather Ross - Briar Rose - Test #2 - Officially hooked

Once I got going, I had to try a second one, and I used some of the scraps left over from my most recent finish, my Darling Quilt by Freckled Whimsy, my precious Heather Ross Briar Rose leftovers.

What I love most about the Drunkard's Path blocks is that they intimidated the hell out of me, and now I feel like I can try some of the awesome layouts on this link that was shared with me...

Photo from, in the link above

What's the quilting technique that intimidates you most?

Monday, January 12, 2015

MTB T-shirt Quilt - So good it's hanging in bike heaven

When my husband saw the first one I did, he said "I want one of those".  When he saw the one I made for my son, he started making a pile of shirts and said "the only thing I want for Christmas from you is a mountain bike shirt quilt".  Of course, with that kind of a request, I had to make it.

Hanging in bike heaven
He originally wanted it to actually use, but when he saw it all finished, he was afraid it would end up with dog hair on it, and it wouldn't get the respect it deserved, so he changed his mind and hung it in his bike workshop.

 He chose the most spectacular flannel for the back (when he thought that's what would be touching him).  It's Northcott Man About Town flannel, and it is gorgeous.  Soft, thick, but so easy to work with.  The binding almost seemed to attach itself.

The most AMAZING flannel on the back. It's to die for.

I used a thicker interfacing with his because the t-shirts were all over the place in terms of age and use.  Some had been washed a ton of times and some he bought (yes, he did) just for this quilt.  So the thickness and texture was really inconsistent.  But with the interfacing, they became much more similar and easier to get to line up.  It also made the finished product look much more substantial to me.

The full frontal view

As much as I love giving these as gifts, and I know how much they mean to people, t-shirt quilts are pretty boring to make.  Not that I've got my techniques down, they do come together quickly.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Economy Blocks - WIP? or UFO?

Last year, Economy Blocks were everywhere.  They were filling my Instagram feed, they were in blog posts and Twitter.  Like everyone else, I went to Rita Hodge's Red Pepper Quilts blog and used her great tutorial from August of 2013 to start making blocks.

I didn't have a ton of experience with fussy cutting so this was a learning experience for me.  I loved that I could save (and use!) the tiniest scraps of my favorite fabrics to make these quick and easy blocks.

These are four of the ones I have done.

One thing I realized after I got a bunch made was that I was all over the place with the colors.  I have no idea if these will make it into a quilt or not.  They might be too wild all together.  

Made from Heather Ross TINY scraps. Ice cream TRUCK!!
  I do have a thing for orange. Light, dark, polka dots.  I love all things orange.

Fairy Tale Friends pieces from left overs of a charm pack
More tiny scraps of Mendocino and some of my favorite old Yummy Goods swirly thingys.

Note the ORANGE seahorse
This is one of my Bari J. blocks.  It's a mixture of three of her lines I think.  Look at that bird!! I actually got him right into the center.

Orange and pink

So all together, these four look great.  But wait until you see them next to my experiments with orange and blue.  Yikes!

Have you made an Economy Block quilt?  Was it lots of mixed colors or a specific palatte?